Prenatal Massage
What is Prenatal Massage?
I offer experienced massage therapy for pregnant bodies that focuses on relaxation, muscle pain relief, and caring support through your perinatal period. With knowledge of modifications to make during different trimesters, we can find relief for common issues such as lower back pain, sciatic pain, leg cramping, swelling (edema) of hands and feet, joint pain, shoulder and neck tension, nausea, fatigue, restless leg syndrome, insomnia, digestion, and general stress tension. I also encourage an empathetic, non-judgmental attitude in supporting ‘feelings’ during the entire prenatal and postpartum period. I am knowledgeable about normal pre- and perinatal physiology, high risk factors, and complications of pregnancy.
Deeper pressure is safe during this period!
Combining a thorough intake before the session and communication on client goals, we can do targeted therapy on aching muscle groups that will bring effective results. Maintaining a pleasure/pain level assures that neither the pregnant body nor the fetus is stimulated to sympathetic arousal. We avoid anything considered ‘too painful’ because pain can activate adrenal production of hormones that elevates blood pressure and heart rate.
All sessions are client-centered with continuous support and care for the unfolding physiological process.
What is Postpartum Massage?
It is my goal to facilitate restorative healing to gently return the body to its pre-pregnancy state, alleviate pain, and bring about a renewed sense of body and self.
Sessions can focus on a number of things! Examples are restoring functional muscle use of the lumbar spine area, tone abdominal muscles that have been stretched by pregnancy, giving attention to overtaxed hip flexors needing relief, addressing upper back muscles that now support larger breast tissue and a baby to carry, maintaining flexibility, reducing strain, and providing support for quality sleep (especially early on, there aren’t many opportunities for it!). For post-Cesarean clients, specific techniques can reduce scar tissue tightness and facilitate healing.
Sessions can also focus solely on reducing stress and addressing mental health needs! Finding time for relaxation is important in preventing burnout, feelings of depletion and depression, and mood regulation. The ‘fourth trimester’ does present challenges, and I welcome all new parents to transition back into their bodies and support the somatic, emotional experience of the postpartum period.
What to Expect
First Trimester
Newly pregnant weeks 1 to 13 people can benefit greatly from knowledgeable massage therapy. Embroyotic cells are dividing to become highly specialized structures, meanwhile estrogen and progesterone create frequent fluctuations in moods and emotions. Breast tissue is tender during this stage. Massage during this trimester can help manage stress, promote sleep, reduce nausea, and prepare the body for the changes ahead.
Second Trimester
Now we begin to grow during weeks 14 to 26 of pregnancy. The pelvic region begins to fill as the baby on average grows 11 to 14 inches. The hormone relaxin is released to make room for the growing fetus, softening joints and adjusting posture. Massage during this period can focus on any of the following: supporting postural integrity, addressing calf cramping and foot swelling, educating and improving breathing dynamics, and reducing muscle tension in the shoulders, back, lower body, legs, and pelvis.
Third Trimester
Weeks 27 to 40+ are often highly anticipated by both the pregnant body and the fetus! You’ll probably notice that the baby has gained significant weight and length, making the belly increase in weight load dramatically in this trimester. Massage in this trimester can be extremely helpful for sacroiliac and lumbar pain, encouraging flexibility in the hip joint, and assist in relieving cramps, swelling, and varicose veins.